“Ready For Takeoff” Podcast with Dr. and Captain George Nolly!
Fun and informative aviation interviews, podcasts, and books!
Fun and informative aviation interviews, podcasts, and books!
Here are some tips and thoughts as you plan your next trip!
Should we feel afraid because of the video we have seen in the media? No. Instead, we should actually be seeing how structurally strong these aircraft are to withstand catastrophic events and, how the highly experienced, skilled and trained pilots fly you safely every day.
How could this have happened? Thoughts on the factors involved in this situation.
How safe is it to fly during the pandemic? Please read and watch this piece and you can make a better decision about the trip you are thinking about taking!
Passengers need to be aware of what to expect before their next flight. Here are some key points to know before you travel.
I have been honored to be selected in the Marquis Who's Who of Top Professional American Women! Please read a little bit about my journey and resilience in getting here.
In these challenging pandemic times, resilience is key.
How to Become a Pilot and information you should know from Airline Pilots
Pilots view points on the current environment we find ourselves in. How might this affect you?