About Pilots and Jets

Airline Pilot Training

Hello everyone! It seems that pilot training remains a mystery to many! Who are we?...
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About Pilots and Jets

Pilot Shortage

Hello Everyone! The Pilot Shortage is a fact and is now upon us. Regional carriers...
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Travel Planning

Buying Tickets

Hello everyone! This article has been long overdue. I am sure many of you have...
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  Hello! Do you want to get killed by one of these? I don't! So...
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About Pilots and Jets

Women Pilots

(Photo for SouthBay Magazine - by Lauren Pressey Photography) Hello Everyone! The statistics speak for...
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Over Reliance on Automation

      Hello! As a pilot for a major airline who has flown many...
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Featured Travel Health Travel Planning

Travel Health

Hello and welcome aboard! Lots of us travel by way of air often enough to...
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Hacking Aviation

Hello Everyone, A disturbing trend is beginning to evolve and as the goodness of technology...
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Security On Board

Hello Everyone, This has been a very shocking and trying week for all of us....
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