Whenever my kids take off to spend the summer with their dad, I always set my sights on a much-deserved vacation. More often than not, my friends are booked up with their own family vacays, but I don’t let that stop me. I’ve learned to love solo travel. After doing it for several years, I almost feel like an expert when it comes to traveling alone. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with all the single parents out there who will have some free time on their hands this summer, which is why I wrote the below article. The attached piece offers tips and advice on traveling alone. Will you please read over it and let me know if you think this would be a good fit on your blog? If so, it’s yours to post free of charge.
How to Plan an Epic Trip Even If You’re Going Solo
Whether you need a break from friends, or you just need some time to yourself to rediscover your interests again, planning a solo trip can be super exciting if you have never done so before. That said, it can also be a little intimidating if you are traveling to a totally new place and are unsure of what it’s like there. So if you’re embarking on an adventure of a lifetime, Captain Laura Einsetler discusses what to look out for and how to travel safely.
Prepare Accordingly
If you are planning on vacationing solo, then you’ll need to plan a bit more extensively than you ordinarily would because you won’t have anyone else to rely on but yourself. Therefore, The Katie Show Blog says to research the accommodation you’re planning to stay at thoroughly online, and don’t hesitate to make inquiries if you are unsure of anything beforehand. After all, it’s better to know what to expect on arrival than to be caught off-guard by unpleasant surprises that you might not be prepared for when you get there. Again, this also applies to confirming transportation costs versus what you could potentially be charged if you’re a tourist, especially if you are going to be using public transport often to get about.
Moreover, when it comes to picking suitable accommodation, InsureMyTrip suggests not choosing an apartment that’s on ground level to avoid easy access if the security is not as up to date as you would like. Also, if you are going to be in and out often, and you don’t want to lug your heavy luggage around with you everywhere, be sure to lock your luggage up when you’re away. And if you are at a holiday rental on your own, be sure to deadbolt the door as an extra safety precaution.
Be Extra Cautious
Suppose, you feel like you might need to take a bit of extra cash with you to take advantage of any tourist-type activities that you might encounter on your travels. Then opt for an anti-theft purse that is not easy to snatch or grab away from you when you’re not expecting it.
Be at Home in Your New Surroundings
If you really want to deflect attention away from you and not seem like a vulnerable tourist, then it’s important to appear as if you are at home in your new surroundings as much as possible. And as far as possible, you should not let on to anyone that you are traveling alone if you can help it. Instead, if you are feeling a little conspicuous, trust your gut and allude to the fact that you are meeting up with someone if you find yourself lost and have to ask for directions.
Travel Rules to Abide By
If you are planning to do as much as possible on your trip, try to plan for these activities during the day rather than at night for safety reasons. Also, if you are planning on doing a lot, and you anticipate not being available to answer calls for long periods of time, then be sure to leave an itinerary with family and friends so that they know of your whereabouts at all times, and especially at those times when they aren’t able to get hold of you for any reason.
Lastly, be sure to keep your guard up at all times, even when you encounter seemingly helpful people who are more than willing to lend a helping hand in times of need. After all, you can never be too sure of a stranger’s intentions, no matter how friendly they may seem.
In conclusion, planning a solo trip is going to be something to remember. However, if you want it to be more memorable (and memorable for the right reasons) you’ll need to ensure that you’ve done your homework in advance so that you’re adequately prepared for any surprises (both pleasant and unpleasant) along the way.
Captain Laura Einsetler is a commercial airline pilot, author, and guest speaker. She’d love to hear from you!
Image via Pexels
Julie Morris

people in airport waiting for departure, silhouette of woman passenger traveling with luggage